I wanted to add some updates to my portfolio including sci-fi designs.  This bad boy was one of three different concepts I created using the same body type.

Here are a few sci-fi gun concepts to show my ability to design modern and sci-fi elements.

This a collection of some of the weapon concepts I designed for Skylander: Imaginators.  This was a fun part of the project since we could be very creative and ridiculous regarding the ideas we could get away with in the Skylanders universe.

This is another one of my concepts from 38 Studio's "Project Copernicus."  This enemy character was known as the Nemian Lion.  The Nemian Lion is famous from the Hercules legend and is typically portrayed as a gigantic Aftrican lion.  Our version was a Golem creature made of stone and clay.


This is another old concept from 38 Studio's "Project Copernicus" that I'm showing for the first time.  This creature is called a Sobek.  I have the base design shown on the left with the Shaman costume variant on the right.


Another old concept from my time at 38 Studios working on "Project Copernicus."  This guy is called the Aroltal.  Another one of my scaly friends.  I don't know why I torture myself with scaled characters.

This is an old concept from my days at 38 Studios.  There is actually a lot of work that I have not posted from my time at 38.  This guy was a fun character to design and his model, by Billy Ahlswede nailed the concept.


I've always wanted to create a samurai and cowboy mashup concept.  I tried to bring together separate elements from both cultures in a way that balances and represents both equally.

I really enjoyed drawing this piece.  Orangutans have some of the most interesting shapes and body anatomy.  This drawing style really has evolved from my love of shape language and line work.  I love creating the feeling of one shape flowing into the next.

Here are the initial concept sketches for the Doomlander enemies in Skylanders Imaginators.  I had a fun time working on this set of characters and I think the 3D character models and animations looked great in the game.

This was another quick value study painting/concept.

Here is the original concept I designed for Pitt Boss.  He was designed for Skylanders Imaginators as a "Sensei" hero toy.

This is a quick value study I finished earlier this year. I have not done a black and white painting for a long while and I found it a great exercise.  I love working with color but painting in black and white was very helpful in getting me to focus on value.

This is my final concept for King Pen.

Here are a few of the "Sensei" characters I designed for "Skylanders Imaginators."  In order from top below are, "Chopscotch," "Ambush," "Ember" and "Tri Tip."  

I had the priviledge to work on the toy concepts with I-Wei Huang and Blake Lyons, two fantastic conceptual artists.

Yet another Doomlander concept from Skylanders Imaginators.  There are more Doomlanders to come!  I particularly loved how he turned out in game.


This is the concept for the Doomlander "Smasher Class" in Skylanders Imaginators.  I really had a lot of fun with these guys.  I feel like these are characters I would have been drawing in middle school. If you're half interested in Skylanders this is the game to pick up.

This is one of the Doomlander Boss Concepts I designed for Skylanders Imaginators.  Each Doomlander has a different weapon class.  This is the Bazooka Class Doomlander.

Here is the concept for the Brain character in Skylanders Imaginators.  He was a fun character to work on and I enjoyed creating these little facial expression guides for the animators.  He is used in a lot of the story cinematics so it was important to convey the personality through these sketches.


This bad boy is an enemy from Skylanders Imaginators.  He's in a water/ocean themed level and he's basically a tube shark.  He suck objects in from one end and shoots them out the other.  He can also munch on you if you're not careful.


This is my Doomlander concept for the "Sentinel" class.  He is one of my personal favorites that I worked on for the Doomlander boss characters.


Here are a couple of enemies I created for Imaginators.  They both appear in the nature level.  The first is one of my favorite designs.

Here is a new personal concept I created of an alien dignitary similar to something you may see in a Star Wars film.

It's been a long time since my last post.  I have been very busy with family and with the project I'm working on at Toys for Bob.  Currently, I'm working on a bunch of personal pieces which are all in various states of completion.  This guy which I just finished was quite fun to work on.

Here is a sketch for a cyclops/ogre I have been working on.  I'm almost done with the final color version and will post that shortly.  I'm going to make him albino which I hope will look interesting.

Here are the sketch concepts I designed for the Troll Tank from Skylanders: Trap Team.  I iterated off of I-Wei Huang's concept for the Troll Mech from Skylanders:Giants.  I designed the tank to break down into parts as you fight and progress through each state of combat.


Here's the concept for "Bad Juju" from "Skylanders: Trap Team!"  This was a fun character to design and I love the effects of the in-game attacks.  I have yet to trap and play this villian but I am looking forward to it! I'll be posting more soon.

This was one of my favorite characters to design while working on Trap Team.  Turtles are always cool.  I can't remember who came up with the name "Bombshell," but I think it's perfect.  I love his in-game animations and the themed music he runs to is a blast (pun reluctantly intended....).

Here are a couple concepts for the Light Element expansion set for Skylanders: Trap Team.  "Luminous" is the boss villian you fight at the end of the expansion level.  I still have not had a chance to trap and play as "Luminous" but I'm looking forward to it.

Here is a fan art piece I just finished based on Boba Fett from the Star Wars movies.

I have not done fan art in years.  I thought about all the things that inspired me as a kid and the three that jumped to the top were Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and C.S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia.  Star Wars is what inspired me ultimately to become a concept artist.

Here is another concept with a couple of the final sketches for the "Raven Lobber" from "Skylanders Trap Team."  Basically, he's our ranged attacker for the raven race and is always supported by his melee friends.

So if you're a fan of the Skylanders series and have picked up a copy of "Skylander's Trap Team," then you're probably familiar with the Golden Queen.  She was the first boss concept I worked on for Trap Team.  We went through many iterations and this is the concept we went forward with.

Here are a couple more of my concepts from "Skylanders Trap Team."  These two are creations of Dr. Krankcase, one of the escaped villians from Cloudcraker Prison.  They are really fun to fight against in game since they both have fun attack modes.

Here are a couple sketches and the final color concept for "The Gulper!"  He's the first major bad guy/criminal that you are tasked to "trap" in Skylanders Trap Team.

This is a personal concept I did recently.  When I was in art school I used to love zoological drawing and always found myself at the Mandrill exhibit.  They are amazing animals and incredibly fun to draw.


This is my concept for Chef Pepper Jack, a boss from "Skylanders Trap Team."  I had a lot of fun working on this concept.  I drew probably a couple dozen character designs for this guy before settling on the red hot chili pepper direction.

Here is my first batch of "Skylander Trap Team" Villain concepts.  There will be more to come shortly.  These are the final concepts before they were passed along to the character modelers, tech artist and animators.  It's so fun to see how they translate in-game.

Here are two concepts I created for Buzz and Mags from "Skylanders Trap Team."  I have been working on this game for almost two years and I am very happy to see it published and selling well in stores!  I have such a great time working at Toys for Bob/Activision and my team is a fantastic group of t


I did not have a particular plan when I first started drawing this character. I was sketching and a shape popped out that looked the the crest on a Panther Chameleon’s head.


This is another personal piece. I’ve been drawing a lot of stylized cartoon characters for Skylanders Trap Team and wanted to work on something totally different in my free time.

One of my favorite real life characters from the Old West is William Barclay "BAT" Masterson.  He was well known as a Gunfighter as well as a gambler, Buffalo Hunter, U.S. Marshall and Army Scout.


This is an environment concept I spent some time on last weekend.  I have yet to flush out the left side of the landscape although it will be darker and more in the shadows.


This is an environment concept from a little while back and I finally got a couple spare hours last night to add some detail work to the concept.  I will add some more subtle details to the background so the mountains and cliffs are not flat.  I just wanted to post an update.

This is a Style Guide for the Ljosalfar Light Elf race I created for "Project Copernicus" for 38 Studios.  These designs were posted on the "Kingdoms of Amalur" website.

This is a character that I designed for "Project Copernicus."  He is part of a giant insect race called the Myrmidon.

Here is a near finished color paint of an earlier sketch.  I will probably spend another hour or so on this to add in some fine details and highlights such as facial stubble and further definition in his hair and fur.

This is a creature I sketched up this past weekend.  Just having fun.  No specific objective or project in mind.

This is a very quick sketch from last night.  I just jumbled a few shapes together and these forms came out of the mix.  I am not sure what he is but I may do a color version of this guy.  The bulbous shapes that make his ear and cranium I imagine would have a subtle glow to them.

I just finished this drawing today after some furious drawing during my daughters naps:)  I hope you enjoy and again, thanks for looking!


Personal Artwork Links
Personal Artwork Links
  • Just started work with Toys for Bob, the creators of "Skylanders" to create concepts for their next title!!
  • Witch King Concept Accepted into Spectrum 14!!
  • Witch King Concept featured on the Cover of PC Gamer #162
Companies I've worked for.
Companies I've worked for.
  • Toys for Bob!!!!
  • Hitpoint Studios
  • 38 Studios
  • LucasArts Entertainment
  • Turbine Entertainment
  • Gearbox Software
  • Stormfront Studios - Fulltime Freelance
About Me
About Me
I am originally from Northern Virginia and currently live in Dedham, MA, a suburb of Boston where I work as the senior character concept artist for 38 Studios. I met and married my beautiful wife Joanne while working in the Boston area where we enjoy traveling whenever we get the chance.
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