Another old concept from my time at 38 Studios working on "Project Copernicus."  This guy is called the Aroltal.  Another one of my scaly friends.  I don't know why I torture myself with scaled characters.  I love the process of drawing and placing scales but halfway through I want to pull out my hair.  This guy is definitely inspired by the Anklysaurus.

This is an old concept from my days at 38 Studios.  There is actually a lot of work that I have not posted from my time at 38.  This guy was a fun character to design and his model, by Billy Ahlswede nailed the concept.  I'll be posting more of my work from Project Copernicus over the next couple weeks.

I've always wanted to create a samurai and cowboy mashup concept.  I tried to bring together separate elements from both cultures in a way that balances and represents both equally.  I love the black rimmed hats that Kurt Russell, Sam Elliot, Val Kilmer and Bill Paxton wore in Tombstone and thought the stark black combined with the red mask and armor elements would be captivating.  I imagine this guy is the "Darth Vader" bad guy in his world.
Personal Artwork Links
Personal Artwork Links
  • Just started work with Toys for Bob, the creators of "Skylanders" to create concepts for their next title!!
  • Witch King Concept Accepted into Spectrum 14!!
  • Witch King Concept featured on the Cover of PC Gamer #162
Companies I've worked for.
Companies I've worked for.
  • Toys for Bob!!!!
  • Hitpoint Studios
  • 38 Studios
  • LucasArts Entertainment
  • Turbine Entertainment
  • Gearbox Software
  • Stormfront Studios - Fulltime Freelance
About Me
About Me
I am originally from Northern Virginia and currently live in Dedham, MA, a suburb of Boston where I work as the senior character concept artist for 38 Studios. I met and married my beautiful wife Joanne while working in the Boston area where we enjoy traveling whenever we get the chance.
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