This was another quick value study painting/concept.

Here is the original concept I designed for Pitt Boss.  He was designed for Skylanders Imaginators as a "Sensei" hero toy.  Initially we were worried that he looked too much like a villian but ultimately we decided we liked having at least one character that was a little edgy in the overall character lineup.  He was actually one of the first characters approved for the game!  There are a couple differences with the original concept and the final toy.

This is a quick value study I finished earlier this year. I have not done a black and white painting for a long while and I found it a great exercise.  I love working with color but painting in black and white was very helpful in getting me to focus on value.  I'm looking forward to painting a few more black and white studies soon.
Personal Artwork Links
Personal Artwork Links
  • Just started work with Toys for Bob, the creators of "Skylanders" to create concepts for their next title!!
  • Witch King Concept Accepted into Spectrum 14!!
  • Witch King Concept featured on the Cover of PC Gamer #162
Companies I've worked for.
Companies I've worked for.
  • Toys for Bob!!!!
  • Hitpoint Studios
  • 38 Studios
  • LucasArts Entertainment
  • Turbine Entertainment
  • Gearbox Software
  • Stormfront Studios - Fulltime Freelance
About Me
About Me
I am originally from Northern Virginia and currently live in Dedham, MA, a suburb of Boston where I work as the senior character concept artist for 38 Studios. I met and married my beautiful wife Joanne while working in the Boston area where we enjoy traveling whenever we get the chance.
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