This is the concept for the Doomlander "Smasher Class" in Skylanders Imaginators. I really had a lot of fun with these guys. I feel like these are characters I would have been drawing in middle school. If you're half interested in Skylanders this is the game to pick up. It's really a fun experience.
This is one of the Doomlander Boss Concepts I designed for Skylanders Imaginators. Each Doomlander has a different weapon class. This is the Bazooka Class Doomlander. The fun part is that as you fight you can knock off parts of his armor that you can then use to as parts to create your own Skylander. Ed General modeled the in game character.
Here is the concept for the Brain character in Skylanders Imaginators. He was a fun character to work on and I enjoyed creating these little facial expression guides for the animators. He is used in a lot of the story cinematics so it was important to convey the personality through these sketches. The animators did a great job with him and I loved watching Kaos interact with him.