Here are a couple of enemies I created for Imaginators. They both appear in the nature level. The first is one of my favorite designs. I don't think he has an official name but I lovingly refer to him as "Rope-A-Dope." I was trying hard to think of a strange method of attack and I came up with this one! I just liked the idea of his arms attaching as a jumprope.
Just started work with Toys for Bob, the creators of "Skylanders" to create concepts for their next title!!
Witch King Concept Accepted into Spectrum 14!!
Witch King Concept featured on the Cover of PC Gamer #162
I am originally from Northern Virginia and currently live in Dedham, MA, a suburb of Boston where I work as the senior character concept artist for 38 Studios. I met and married my beautiful wife Joanne while working in the Boston area where we enjoy traveling whenever we get the chance.