Here is a near finished color paint of an earlier sketch.  I will probably spend another hour or so on this to add in some fine details and highlights such as facial stubble and further definition in his hair and fur.  I'm trying to spend a little less time on the color comps so I can force myself to prioritize what details and focal areas I should be keying in on.  Sometimes you can spend so much time rendering out details that may not be worth the overall visual impact.

This is a creature I sketched up this past weekend.  Just having fun.  No specific objective or project in mind.

This is a very quick sketch from last night.  I just jumbled a few shapes together and these forms came out of the mix.  I am not sure what he is but I may do a color version of this guy.  The bulbous shapes that make his ear and cranium I imagine would have a subtle glow to them.  The bulbous ear is basically a gigantic exposed ear drum that would sense even the most subtle vibrations.
Personal Artwork Links
Personal Artwork Links
  • Just started work with Toys for Bob, the creators of "Skylanders" to create concepts for their next title!!
  • Witch King Concept Accepted into Spectrum 14!!
  • Witch King Concept featured on the Cover of PC Gamer #162
Companies I've worked for.
Companies I've worked for.
  • Toys for Bob!!!!
  • Hitpoint Studios
  • 38 Studios
  • LucasArts Entertainment
  • Turbine Entertainment
  • Gearbox Software
  • Stormfront Studios - Fulltime Freelance
About Me
About Me
I am originally from Northern Virginia and currently live in Dedham, MA, a suburb of Boston where I work as the senior character concept artist for 38 Studios. I met and married my beautiful wife Joanne while working in the Boston area where we enjoy traveling whenever we get the chance.
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