This is a concept that I copyrighted just to see how the process worked.  It costs a little and you would never be able to do it with every peice but it was good to go through the process which was actually easier than I expected. 

His name is "FormaldaCLYDE."  My roommate at Columbus College of Art and Design had designed a few silly characters and this was one that came out of our discussions.  He is a collection of reanimated bodyparts that are preserved inside of glass formaldahyde jars.  Although FormaldaClyde may be an evil genius he never seems to get things quite right.  He has one working hand, the other which is preserved in a jar is not much use beyond hand gestures.

I am not sure what to call this guy....He's basically a troll with bat-like ears. This is a personal concept and mostly an exercise. I just wanted to go back to my old style to make sure I have not lost it:) This concept is done for all intensive purposes but I always have this nagging voice in my head that wants me to keep polishing. I am going to start drawing pen and pencil sketches to show my underlying drawings and early construction of more polished concepts.
Personal Artwork Links
Personal Artwork Links
  • Just started work with Toys for Bob, the creators of "Skylanders" to create concepts for their next title!!
  • Witch King Concept Accepted into Spectrum 14!!
  • Witch King Concept featured on the Cover of PC Gamer #162
Companies I've worked for.
Companies I've worked for.
  • Toys for Bob!!!!
  • Hitpoint Studios
  • 38 Studios
  • LucasArts Entertainment
  • Turbine Entertainment
  • Gearbox Software
  • Stormfront Studios - Fulltime Freelance
About Me
About Me
I am originally from Northern Virginia and currently live in Dedham, MA, a suburb of Boston where I work as the senior character concept artist for 38 Studios. I met and married my beautiful wife Joanne while working in the Boston area where we enjoy traveling whenever we get the chance.
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