This is a concept that I copyrighted just to see how the process worked. It costs a little and you would never be able to do it with every peice but it was good to go through the process which was actually easier than I expected.
His name is "FormaldaCLYDE." My roommate at Columbus College of Art and Design had designed a few silly characters and this was one that came out of our discussions. He is a collection of reanimated bodyparts that are preserved inside of glass formaldahyde jars. Although FormaldaClyde may be an evil genius he never seems to get things quite right. He has one working hand, the other which is preserved in a jar is not much use beyond hand gestures.
His name is "FormaldaCLYDE." My roommate at Columbus College of Art and Design had designed a few silly characters and this was one that came out of our discussions. He is a collection of reanimated bodyparts that are preserved inside of glass formaldahyde jars. Although FormaldaClyde may be an evil genius he never seems to get things quite right. He has one working hand, the other which is preserved in a jar is not much use beyond hand gestures.