Here is one of the Dark Numenorean concepts from Lord of the Rings Online. I had a really fun time with this concept and I learned a lot about complimentary colors and loved painting the drippy, translucent, organic qualities. Man...I need to paint some zombies soon. One of the fun things about working on Lord of the Rings Online was that I got to concept, design and paint so many monsters and creatures with interesting textural qualities. This really helped me learn many painting techniques as well as exploring color.

I totally forgot about this concept until just recently. This is one of the concept designs ( of the only ones I would still want to show) from Forgotten Realms, Demon Stone. I had the priveledge of working as a fulltime freelance concept artist for Stormfront Studios a year after graduation and I had a great experience working with everyone. If you have not played the game you should check it out.

Here is an Orc I concepted for Lord of the Rings Online. The computer model and render that you see here was made by Daniel Williams after seeing my art in the December 2006 issue of Imagine FX. He is an incredible modeler and works for Blue Sky, the makers of Ice Age and Dan is now working on Dr.

Here are a couple more concepts from LOTRO that you may have seen on the LOTRO official website but I have not shown them myself just yet.

The first monster is the Rogmul, which literally means "Demon Slave" in the dark tongue. Wow that sounds dorky:) I have attached a screenshot from Lord of the Rings Online with the Rogmul which was modeled in Maya by Mark Lizotte, a very talented production artist.

Here is my design for one of the Angmarim Nomads. in Lord of the Rings Online.

Well, thats me working at Turbine in a full suit of Plate Mail armor:) One of the artists, Jeanette Chamberlain, brought her husband's suit in for me to wear for "reference." haha!

Here is the first second age elven armor set I designed for Lord of the Rings Online. I designed dozens of armor sets for the Dwarves, Elves, Breeland Human and Westernesse classes. I decided the best way to concept the armor sets in mass quantity would be to create the paper barbie doll accessory route.

I was very excited to see the my Witch King's design from Lord of the Rings Online of the Cover of PC Gamer!! I also uploaded the orthographies I drew to help the modelers:)

This piece was recently accepted into Spectrum 14 which will be published this November!! It is such a honor to be in the company of so many amazing artists!

Lord of the Rings Online was finally shipped yesterday, April 24, 2007!! So far it has been received very well in the MMO community and I hope it becomes a huge succe

Here is the Uruk-Hai concept I conceptualized for Lord of the Rings Online that was featured in the CG cinematic as well as on the November issue of Computer Games Magazine. This was the first design that I had featured on a magazine cover.
  • Just started work with Toys for Bob, the creators of "Skylanders" to create concepts for their next title!!
  • Witch King Concept Accepted into Spectrum 14!!
  • Witch King Concept featured on the Cover of PC Gamer #162
About Me
About Me
I am originally from Northern Virginia and currently live in Dedham, MA, a suburb of Boston where I work as the senior character concept artist for 38 Studios. I met and married my beautiful wife Joanne while working in the Boston area where we enjoy traveling whenever we get the chance.
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